New City Library

Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Under Review

The City of Sweet Home is in process of designing and obtaining funding to build a new library that will have multiple uses. In addition to the library, the new building will host an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for East Linn County, an emergency shelter, space for local non-profit organizations, and two floors of lower-income housing.

The current library was built in 1968 to last 20 years. The building does not meet seismic or ADA requirements. The HVAC, plumbing and electrical all need to be replaced. Based on a Needs Assessment in 2020 and comparison with similar sized cities, additional library space is needed for the growing community.

With the growing threat of natural and man-made disasters, East Linn County is in need of an EOC that can serve the area. The space will also serve as an emergency shelter as needed, and as a warming/cooling center throughout the year. Non-profit organizations need space for offices due to rising mental health, housing, domestic abuse and healthcare needs in the community.